CD's - Anne Murray


CD: What A Wonderful World - Anne Murray
  What A Wonderful World
14 Inspirational Classics
Anne Murray

Erschienen: 07.2008

Zusatzinfo vom Hersteller
"What A Wonderful World" was originally released as a two-CD set of spirituals and inspirational pop songs in 1999. The 2008 edition cuts the selection from 26 to 14 songs, eliminating most of the classic gospel hymns and focusing primarily on Anne Murray's sweet-toned easy-listening versions of stalwart pop tunes like the Beatles' Let It Be, Jackie DeShannon's Put A Little Love In Your Heart, and Simon and Garfunkel's Bridge Over Troubled Water. The elimination of most of the straight gospel material (cut down to a handful of songs in the disc's second half, including Amazing Grace, The Old Rugged Cross, and How Great Thou Art) brings the set more in line with Murray's usual secular releases, which have a similar focus on well-known pop covers.

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