CD's - Mark Edwards


CD: Hymn To Grace - Mark Edwards
  Hymn To Grace
Mark Edwards

Erschienen: 09.2008

Zusatzinfo vom Hersteller
"I believe music is a universal language of emotion and spirit. It has been a vital part of my daily life for as long as I can remember. Increasingly, over the past few years I have found playing music can be a way of expressing love and gratitude to our creator. That is what this music is about, a kind of 'giving back'; an offering to the father who is so generous, patient and kindtowards us. A hymn to grace. The recording process was a little unusual for this album, in that I locked myself away for a week and recorded the piano first. I wanted to be alone with God and for the music to come from that place. The other instruments were then added one at a time. It really is a great privelige to have each of these wonderful musicians on this recording. Some I have worked with over many years, others are new friends. It is my prayer that in some small way this music might be an aid in your own spiritual journey." Mark Edwards 2008

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