CD's - Daniel Doss Band


CD: Greater Than Us All - Daniel Doss Band
  Greater Than Us All
Daniel Doss Band

Erschienen: 03.2008

Zusatzinfo vom Hersteller
It's rare for a record label to find a "new" artist that is already a well-seasoned songwriter, is leading a weekly worship service at a church of over 1,000 members, has an amazing stage presence, and has played in front of thousands of people via camps, festivals, and the likes. "Daniel Doss Band" is the newest signing to "Sparrow Records" yet he has the experience and wisdom of a seasoned artist. Daniel's passion is for people to authentically "connect" with God during worship and having partnered with two-time "Dove Award" winning producer of the year Ed Cash, he's sure to accomplish that goal. Daniel writes songs that give you hope, usher you into worship, and leave you wanting to hear them again and again.

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