CD's - Zemer Levav


CD: As Long As I Breathe - Zemer Levav
  As Long As I Breathe
Zemer Levav

Erschienen: 10.2007

Zusatzinfo vom Hersteller
ZEMER LEVAV Pronounced (Ze­m-Air-La-Väv), are the Hebrew words, Song of the Heart. Blending rhythmic praise and ethnic worship with ancient Biblical instruments, Zemer Levav introduces the listener to a new, fresh and vibrant sound on their debut CD, "As Long As I Breathe". From the Producers of Adonai and Elohim, this Messianic Jewish family of seven (five sisters), worship the Lord with singing & dancing, with the harp & lyre, with flutes & hand drums and with an array of unique instruments. With purity and innocence radiating from this music with a heart for Israel, "As Long As I Breathe "brings new meaning to the timeless psalms of David,

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