CD's - The King´s Chamber Orchestra


CD: String Heaven - The King´s Chamber Orchestra
  String Heaven
The King´s Chamber Orchestra

Erschienen: 11.2007

Zusatzinfo vom Hersteller
"The King's Chamber Orchestra" is an outstanding professional orchestra, formed in 1985 by Gerard Le Feuvre, which has ranged in size from 9 to 60 players. Their unique ability to touch the public through improvisations and worship, has attracted large and often unprecedented audiences wherever they have regularly performed. "One of the hallmarks of our 25 year career as an orchestra has been bringing improvised music to our audiences. More often than not we might have spent hours practicing Mozart or Dvorak, but the biggest reaction from the audience comes for the improvisations which had no rehearsal and which come straight from the heart. We have no scientific answer for those musical enthusiasts who pursue us for an explanation as to how we are able to achieve these wonderful spontaneous moments, other than to point to the prayer and worship that underpins it all, and ultimately to point to Jesus "the author and perfector of our faith" and of our music! It is no easy task to record spontaneity but as far as possible we have tried to mirror these special moments in concerts by recording whole takes with little or no editing: what you get is 'The King's Chamber Orchestra' as we really are. This is our first entire album of those special moments based around some of our favourite worship songs." Gerard Le Feuvre SONGS: Be Still, For The Presence Of The Lord / By Your Side / Jesus Christ, I Think Upon Your Sacrifice / Father I Want You To Hold Me / How Deep The Father's Love For Us / What Love Is This? / In Christ Alone / How Lovely Shines The Morning Star / Amazing Grace / Here Is Love / Hide Me Now / Come To Jesus / Light Of The World / Jesus, Jesus, Holy And Anointed One / What A Friend I've Found / The Call

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