CD's - Lenny Leblanc


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CD: All For Love - Lenny LeBlanc
  All For Love
Lenny LeBlanc

Erschienen: 09.2007

Zusatzinfo vom Hersteller
There's a new sound rising from Muscle Shoals, Alabama, the birthplace of southern rock, southern soul and country soul. It's the sound of revival! Recorded LIVE at Faith Church in Florence/Muscle Shoals, "All For Love" features worship artist/songwriter Lenny LeBlanc with 12 fresh, new worship songs pouring out of a church that's in revival and reclaiming the Muscle Shoals sound for the Kingdom of God. From the upbeat Ascend to the R&B sounds of Walls Come Down to the incredible Make Way For The King, this album invites all who listen to experience revival.

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CD: One Desire - Lenny Leblanc
  One Desire
Lenny Leblanc

Erschienen: 09.2002

Zusatzinfo vom Hersteller

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