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Songs Of Worship
Steve Green
Erschienen: 12.2007
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Steve Green is a household name in Christian Music. He has racked up over 4 million albums, sold 1 Certified Gold album, 2 Platinum videos, and 3 Gold selling videos. Known for his Christian anthems of the Faith, like People Need The Lord, Household Of Faith and others. "Always: Songs Of Worship" offers his signature vocal style to an all new collection of songs.
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Hide Em In Your Heart: Praise & Worship
Bible Memory Melodies Vol. 1
Steve Green
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Hymns A Portrait Of Christ
Steve Green
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Die Titel: Holy, Holy, Holy Spirit Medley: Spirit of God, Descend upon My Heart; Breathe on Me, Breath of God Christ the Lord is Risen Today The Lord's Prayer And Can it Be How Great Thou Art Great is Thy Faithfulness Praise Medley: Praise to the Lord the Almighty; Crown Him with Many Crowns; Jesus Shall Reign Savior Medley: Fairest Lord Jesus; Our Great Savior; My Jesus, I LoveThee Amazing Grace
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Steve Green
The Early Years
Steve Green
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Die Titel: Lift Up A Song That's Where The Joy Comes From He Holds The Keys Broken And Spilled Out Touch Your People Once Again Praise To The King Celebrate His Good Life Bring Back The Glory Lamb Of Glory People Need The Lord
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