CD's - Lou Fellingham, Phatfish, Simon Brading


CD: Salvation's Song - Lou Fellingham, Phatfish, Simon Brading
  Salvation's Song
Liveworship from Newfrontiers 2008
Lou Fellingham, Phatfish, Simon Brading

Erschienen: 10.2008

Zusatzinfo vom Hersteller
Worship God with this album of the live worship recorded at „Together On A Mission 2008“!

This annual Newfrontiers conference combined nearly 5,000 leaders, students and twenties from 52 nations in an inspiring mission-focused context of teaching, prayer and vision. This dynamic live recording, packed with vibrant new songs, will help you capture the passionate worship from the event as thousands came before our amazing God in praise and adoration.

Lou Fellingham and „Phatfish“ and Simon Brading led worship at this years Newfrontiers conference, called „Together On A Mission“.

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